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Contacte con nuestro equipo de servicio al cliente

Está a tu disposición para atenderte en cualquier consulta. Contacta con nosotros a través de los medios que indicamos a continuación.

¿Tienes alguna duda? Rellena el Formulario de contacto

Estaremos encantados de hablar contigo, a través de teléfono, correo electrónico o rellenando nuestro formulario. ¡Seguro que podemos encontrar la mejor solución para tu empresa!

    *Name and surname




    I have read and accept the Privacy Policy and the Legal Notice.


    In accordance with article 13 of the GDPR, we inform you that the personal data you provide in the form will be processed in order to manage, in the broadest sense, your request or request.

    The personal data subject to treatment will be those that can be included in any of the following categories: identification data (name, surname, etc.), professional data (company, position, telephone, etc.)

    The legal basis of the treatment is the commercial relationship. Personal data will be kept until the end of the relationship or management of your request. All this unless you expressly consent to receive commercial information, expressly accepting the advertising policy.

    The interested party can exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability, limitation and opposition by contacting, or in writing to Carrer Sant Francesc de Paula 25, Mataró, (Barcelona), reference "RGPD rights". If your rights were not met, you can go to the AEPD (Spanish Agency for Data Protection).

    Encuéntranos con Google Maps

    Camí del mig, 4, 08339 Vilassar de Dalt, Spain

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